Wwii German Army

GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap

GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap
GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap
GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap
GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap
GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap
GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap
GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap

GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap    GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap

This is a reproduction German army WWII army A frame pack with lower pack and upper messtin strap. It is made here in the Czech Republic. It has all the features of the original as well as the top strap for the mess kit. If you look closely you will see the difference and more authentic look than the other types of A-frames offered on the market.

Marking on the lower parts of the frame may vary but will be WW2 era markings.
GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap    GERMAN ARMY WW2 REPRO A-frame with lower pouch and messtin strap